Selected locations where we served our clients - remember, for us it is never too far :)

Goleszów - Company headquarters 🙂

This is where we are 🙂

Luxembourg, Schuttrange - IT service

In Luxembourg, we provide our client with comprehensive IT services for his company, including hosting

We also issued a qualified Certum electronic signature

Great Britain, Preston - Qualified Signatures

Issuance of qualified Certum electronic signatures for foreigners

Germany, Magdenburg - IT service

Germany, Berlin - IT support

Czech Republic, Selected - Qualified Signatures

Issuance of qualified Certum electronic signatures for foreigners

Czech Republic, Prague - Qualified Signatures

Issuance of qualified Certum electronic signatures for foreigners.

Assistance related to the formalities of financial statements of the National Court Register

Bulgaria, Ravda - Hotel website

For a hotel in Bulgaria, we have prepared a new website with a StreetView walk inside the facility. Additionally, we took care of hosting and domain management.

Bulgaria, Ravda - Restaurant website

For the Restaurant in Bulgaria, we have prepared a new website with a StreetView walk inside the facility. Additionally, we took care of hosting and domain management.

Hungary, Egyek - CCTV monitoring of the facility

Preparation of industrial monitoring, IP cameras of an industrial facility in Hungary

Bulgaria, Bansko - Website

Preparation of a portal promoting Skiing in Bulgaria - Bansko Ski

Poland, Szczecin - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Rurzyca - Gas station, IT service

Poland, Rumia - IT services

Comprehensive IT service for gas stations - delivery of IT equipment and servers. Providing IT support 24/7.

Implementation of security systems: Alarm system, monitoring, access control

Poland, Kaliska Kościerskie - IT services

Comprehensive IT service for gas stations - delivery of IT equipment and servers. Providing IT support 24/7.

Poland, Wielki Klincz - IT service

IT services for a transport company. We also provided website and email hosting for the company.

Poland, Tczew - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Plewno - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Bydgoszcz - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Żnin - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Chełmce - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Wierzbica - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Żary - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

Poland, Toruń - InsERT NEXO implementation

Implementation of InsERT NEXO software. Learning about the processes taking place in the company and selecting solutions that facilitate and speed up everyday work in the company.

Poland, Sochaczew - InsERT NEXO implementation

Implementation of InsERT NEXO software. Learning about the processes taking place in the company and selecting solutions that facilitate and speed up everyday work in the company.

Poland, Sosnowiec - InsERT NEXO implementation

Implementation of InsERT NEXO software. Learning about the processes taking place in the company and selecting solutions that facilitate and speed up everyday work in the company.

IT services for the company.

Poland, Białystok - InsERT NEXO implementation + servers

Providing new servers and network devices for the company's needs. Performing Active Directory configuration, backup plans.

Implementation of InsERT NEXO software. Learning about the processes taking place in the company and selecting solutions that facilitate and speed up everyday work in the company.

IT services for the company.

Poland, Warsaw - Medical offices - IT services

We created an IT network for medical offices, including replacing servers and creating a uniform Wi-Fi Unifi network. We provide constant IT support and server collocation.

Poland, Wrocław - Monitoring

Construction of a comprehensive monitoring installation based on IP cameras in a parking lot and a touchless car wash in Wrocław.

Poland, Ruda Śląska - Car wash monitoring

Construction of a comprehensive monitoring installation based on IP cameras at a touchless car wash in Ruda Śląska.

Poland, Chorzów - Monitoring + alarm system of the car wash

Implementation of a monitoring system based on IP cameras and an alarm system at a touchless car wash

Poland, Wojkowice - Car wash monitoring

Implementation of a monitoring installation based on IP cameras.

Poland, Chełm - Car wash monitoring

Implementation of a monitoring installation based on IP cameras.

Poland, Tarnowskie Góry - Monitoring + alarm system of the car wash

Implementation of a monitoring system based on IP cameras and an alarm system at a touchless car wash

Poland, Będzin - Monitoring + alarm system of the car wash

Implementation of a monitoring system based on IP cameras and an alarm system at a touchless car wash

Poland, Radzionków - Qualified Signatures

Issuance of qualified signatures in VIP mode 60 minutes - for the company's Management Board. Additionally, software enabling signing documents along with training was installed.

Poland, Olkusz - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

New security systems have been installed at the station: SSWiN alarm system, IP monitoring, access control

Poland, Sławków - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

New security systems have been installed at the station: SSWiN alarm system, IP monitoring, access control

Poland, Ogrodzieniec - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

New security systems have been installed at the station: SSWiN alarm system, IP monitoring, access control

Poland, Łazy - IT service, gas station

Full IT support for the gas station network. Providing computer equipment, providing 24/7 IT services and support.

New security systems have been installed at the station: SSWiN alarm system, IP monitoring, access control

Poland, Bielsko-Biała - CCTV repair

Repair of the monitoring system - Municipal Police Headquarters - Bielsko-Biała

Poland, Jastrzębie-Zdrój - IT service, website

The Dragon-Travel travel agency is under our constant IT support - website, hosting, computers :)

Additionally, we make various types of advertising gadgets for Dragon-Travel: business cards, pens, fudges, offer folders

Poland, Skrzyszów - IT service, alarm, monitoring

Comprehensive, ongoing IT support for Redconst. Construction of a local network, provision of hardware solutions, servers and software.

Website and e-mail hosting, providing connections to car washes throughout Poland

Implementation of company management programs from the InsERT Nexo series.

Construction of a modern alarm, monitoring and access control system.